
Monday, 27 November 2017


This week in maths i played cross out singles its a game were you have a 3 by 3 grid and roll a dice you put whatever number it lands on anywhere in the grid.Once you are done you add up a cross down and diagonal if you have any of the same numbers then you add them all up and that is your score.

I practiced the LPG addition facts to 20.

Thursday, 26 October 2017


This week we started learning about oceans.

I found that the megladon can grow to 70 feet long.

Later on, i want to find out whats the biggest sea creature in the megladons diet.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


This week we started a reading contest we all had to read but if someone gets of task you stop and check how long we lasted for.

We practised the lpg 8


this week in basic facts speed test i got 100/100 in 2:05

i practised the lpg addition and subtraction facts to 20


This week in writing we had to write about what happened to Mr B's finger.

My was about a wast band tightening until it ripped his finger of.

i practised the lpg i can use dialogue correctly 22

Thursday, 28 September 2017


this week in math we did a basic facts test this time i got 2:12 and 100/100

i practised the lpg addition and subtraction facts to 20

writing blast

this week we did another writing blast this time we were writing an information report mine was a bout the laughing owl.

i practised the lpg i can use basic punctuation correctly

here it is

laughing owls

The laughing owl is a owl that looks like a more pork but is about twice the size.It has yellow eyes and superior vision.Also sharp claws to cling to branches in trees.

They live in a nest in the trees of Canterbury and Otago.The leaves above shelter them from showers and storms.But iff blown down from strong winds often left homeless or dead.

Laughing owls feast on rats smaller birds,lizards and mice.The laughing owl eats with its beak unlike few other animals.

This owls are native to new zealand. you may not think but laughing owls actually laugh but more like a high pitched laugh.

The scientific name for this creature is Scelogkaux Albitaises. If your wondering the femail has the babbies which is born by eggs.

The laughing owl is extinct because of lack of habitat from humans clearing out forest and hunting them and introduced predators such as the pacific rat.The pasicific rats feed on eggs and the new born when unprotected Also the kiore kills the laughing owls.they were extinct in 1914.

Thursday, 24 August 2017


this week in maths we did a basic facts test i got 100/100 in 2:11

i practised the lpg division and multipaction facts to 20

Thursday, 10 August 2017


this week in reading we read a story called chioce

i practised the lpg 2


this week we did persuasive writing

i practised the lpg 4 and 6


this week in maths i did a basic facts test i got 1:49  100\100.

i practised the lpg subtraction and addition facts to 20


Thursday, 3 August 2017


this week in maths we did a basic facts speed test i got 100/100 and 1:49

i practised the lpg 8 addition and subtraction facts to 20


this week in spelling i got.

 12/12 i practised the lpg spelling list 1--7   .


this week we had to write about a picture.

i used the lpg 13 i can write to entertain,describe explain or argue a point.

heres the story

Once there was a rich man called Richard until his mum and his dad sued him. Now Richard had no money. Now Richard lives on the street, he even made his own house made of trees in an alley. Richard has 726 pet mice. He steals pots noodles, chopsticks , lights and noodles. One night when having A feast with his pet mice they all stood up on two feet and Richard handed them each a pair of chopsticks.Then they eat noodles and then they went to sleep. When he woke up he was in a jungle and there was a lion about to eat him so he used to superpowers in punched the lion to outer space. But then squashes is Richard And all that was left of him was a head and a arm. he crawled  all the way to town and start eating people people's brains.Send the whole world has been infected.the disease spread like flies the only place to have been infected was New Zealand.While working on cure richard the zombie was rowing his boat as slow as a nerf bullet to a New Zealand. Evently they make 2000 cures and sent some army men with cure gun  to China and started curing zombies. They brought back 1986 children, women and men .but 1 soldier died when they arrived back Richard had infected everyone. In seconds then only one chinese person was left and then.Richard wakes up in his triple king ben in his his mansion.

By: Tenzin Tsering

Thursday, 27 July 2017


This week in handwriting i did handwriting

here it is


this week in maths we did the game greedy pig were theres a person that rolles the dice and there a

number that if the roller rols the all your piont are gone but you can close your book to bank your


l practised the lpg 1 numbers to 1,000,000


This week in writing we got a big picture and we write about whats in the picture.

we practised the lpg 14 I can indopendentlyinclude visal fectures such as labbeld, digrames, maps and text boxes were appropate

Here it is


Thursday, 29 June 2017

Colouring in

This week in te reo we did colouring in a matariki picture.

Basics Fact Test

This week in the basic facts test i got 100/100 and i did it in 1m 43secs my new high score.

I practised the lpg 9 multiplication and division facts.

Narrative Writing

This week in writing we did narrative writing narrative writing is a story thats not true, its in third person, theres a problem and a resolution.

I practised the lpg 21 i can use dialogue and punctuate this speech appropriately.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

know your character and story map

this week in reading i did a know your character and a story map on the book olden days.

I practised the lpg 8 i can automatically read high frequency words

Multiplying And Dividing Fractions

This week ini maths i did multiplying and dividing fractions.

I practised the lpg 14&15 solving multiplication and division problems

creative writing

this week in writing we did creative writing which is were there is a silly picture and you write about

i practised the lpg 28 using capital letters correctly

Thursday, 15 June 2017


This week in reading we did a dust jacket for the book we read.

I haven't finished it yet but i've started it


This week in writing we did poetry with miss hackett we write some poems.

We practised the lpg poetry.

maths: basic facts test

This week in my basic facts test i got 100/100 and i did it in 1:53.

i nearly beat mr buckland.

i practised the lpg solving multiplication and division

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Persuasive Writing

This week in i did persuasive writing i was writing about how we should move lunch from 12:00 to 12:30.

I practised the lpg Persuasive Writing.

heres the story:

HPS should move lunch

HPS should move lunchtime from 12:00 to 12:30 because there won't be enough time in between  lunch and morning tea. Plus there will be plenty of time for maths time if we move lunch to 12:30.

Another reason is that children won't  be hungry at 12:00 and they will go home with a full lunch box . children will be hungry at 12:30 so they won't waste a nutrition lunch which is hard work and money for parents\caregivers.

My last reason is that if we move lunch then there won't be much time to wait after lunch which is good because then children won't have to wait for so long to go home.

Because of these reasons i mention i think that moving lunch to 12:30 will save money and hard work.

This Is What I Did In Maths This Week

In maths this week i did some maths problems from google classroom.

I practised the lpg: solving multiplication and division problems with a range of strategies.

Lake Ora Art

This is my lake ora art i am going to put my lake ora recount in the box it the middle.

1. Top left: The village by the lake and the full moon.

2. Top right: The taniwha lurking in the waters.

3. Bottom right: The chiefs daughter screaming for help.

4. Bottom left: The brave warrior's spears and the chunk of taniwha.

Thursday, 1 June 2017


This week in reading i did know your character which is the have to say something about each character.

 Also story sequence which is were you have to draw the story in sequence.

persuasive writing

This week our class have been working on persuasive writing.

We were writing about if we should wear mufti or not.

I used the lpg persuasive writing.


This week in maths i've been working on a simple strategy in maths.

I used the lpg solving multiplication problems with a range of strategies.

example 22X47=1034

Monday, 29 May 2017


Today i did a maths sheet with some hard multiplication questions.

Example: 707 X 38 = 26,866

and with the answers we had to spell a sentence which was thank you all.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Lake Ora Recount

This week we published our lake ora recount so we could put it in our lake ora art. I practised the lpg i can publish using a variety of media depending on the audience and purpose. this is the recount:

Lake ora

Do you remember the legend of lake ora, sure you do. Remember one night the puhi tribe was awoken by the sound of splashing outside.remember the brave warrior that wanted to proof he was brave and went to check what it was.remember the taniwha slithering under the surface of the water.

Remember one night exactly one year later there was a full moon,the tribe was awoken again by splashe but this time there were also screams from the chief's daughter.remember the same brave warrior rushed outside and saw the dreadful taniwha dragging the the chief’s daughter under the surface.

Remember how the brave warrior grabbed his  biggest spear. Remember when the brave warrior  searched for the chief's daughter for two days.
Remember when the brave warrior came out of the lake with a small portion of the taniwha.

from that day on the chief's daughter was never seen again and the lakes water turned reddish brown instead on clear blue.that was the legend of lake ora


Basic Facts Test

This is my best record so far in a basic facts speed test i got 100/100 and i did it in 1 min and 57 secs.

i practised the lpg addition and subtraction facts to 20

Thursday, 18 May 2017

procedural writing

This week we were practising procedural writing because we are going to do procedural writing for our writing blasted.

I did two procedural writing stories on how to make a cup of tea the way mr b makes it and how to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich.

One of the stories have to pictures of how to do them to.

basic facts test

This is my basic fact test i got 100 out of 100 and i did it in 2m 31sec the highest in the class.

a basic facts test is a test with 100 basic fact questions and you have to do it as quick as you can.

my best score was 100 out of 100 and i did it i  1m 48secs.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Goal For The Week

this week, one goal i worked on was "divisibility rules" in maths

Sunday, 5 March 2017

The Learning Pit

This is my learning pit poster its got the steps in learning on it. Your probably 
wondering what is the learning pit the learning pit is a place you are when you are learning something new with all the steps. First you be running along till you fall into the learning pit like when you are doing all good at your work until there is something new to learn that you don't know how to do thats when you are in the learning pit. The next step is you are wondering how to get out. The next step is making a plan about how to get out then your trying to get out then you doing it. Then you have done it and when you have done it that is when you have learnt something new and you have probably been in the learning pit many times.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Texter Art

this is some art i made on texter it was fun and i hope we do it again.

i enjoy drawing my pictures and coming up with the complex sentences.

it was so hard though because i had to keep changing the colours i hope we do it again