
Monday 27 November 2017


This week in maths i played cross out singles its a game were you have a 3 by 3 grid and roll a dice you put whatever number it lands on anywhere in the grid.Once you are done you add up a cross down and diagonal if you have any of the same numbers then you add them all up and that is your score.

I practiced the LPG addition facts to 20.

Thursday 26 October 2017


This week we started learning about oceans.

I found that the megladon can grow to 70 feet long.

Later on, i want to find out whats the biggest sea creature in the megladons diet.

Thursday 19 October 2017


This week we started a reading contest we all had to read but if someone gets of task you stop and check how long we lasted for.

We practised the lpg 8


this week in basic facts speed test i got 100/100 in 2:05

i practised the lpg addition and subtraction facts to 20


This week in writing we had to write about what happened to Mr B's finger.

My was about a wast band tightening until it ripped his finger of.

i practised the lpg i can use dialogue correctly 22

Thursday 28 September 2017


this week in math we did a basic facts test this time i got 2:12 and 100/100

i practised the lpg addition and subtraction facts to 20

writing blast

this week we did another writing blast this time we were writing an information report mine was a bout the laughing owl.

i practised the lpg i can use basic punctuation correctly

here it is

laughing owls

The laughing owl is a owl that looks like a more pork but is about twice the size.It has yellow eyes and superior vision.Also sharp claws to cling to branches in trees.

They live in a nest in the trees of Canterbury and Otago.The leaves above shelter them from showers and storms.But iff blown down from strong winds often left homeless or dead.

Laughing owls feast on rats smaller birds,lizards and mice.The laughing owl eats with its beak unlike few other animals.

This owls are native to new zealand. you may not think but laughing owls actually laugh but more like a high pitched laugh.

The scientific name for this creature is Scelogkaux Albitaises. If your wondering the femail has the babbies which is born by eggs.

The laughing owl is extinct because of lack of habitat from humans clearing out forest and hunting them and introduced predators such as the pacific rat.The pasicific rats feed on eggs and the new born when unprotected Also the kiore kills the laughing owls.they were extinct in 1914.